Professional Development Details » MS Word Application Ideas

MS Word Application Ideas

Word Processing can be used for the following activities:

All Subject Areas

  • Name Tags
  • Awards/Certificates
  • Inventories (using a table)
  • Letters
  • Letterhead Stationery
  • Mailing labels
  • Brochures
  • Newsletters
  • Fliers/Signs
  • Reports
  • Language Arts
Language Arts
  • Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, including a list of things to bring with them.
  • Write a report about a book listing five facts about the main character.
  • Create a certificate to present to a favorite character in a book you have read.
  • Write your own resume!

  • Create a flier for an Earth Day contest.
  • Organize information regarding various types of animals into a table.
  • To entice future space travelers, design an advertisement for one of the planets in our solar system.

Social Studies
  • Design a newsletter which could be used to communicate with students in another city or country.
  • Create a table to compare and contrast three cities in the United States.
  • Design a flow chart to describe the process of how the U.S. president is elected.
  • Make a timeline showing the most influential U.S. presidents
  • Use statistical data – fractions, decimals, percents – about our country’s economy.
  • Make a map of your house on your street that would include a legend, etc.
  • Use the MS Equation feature for special symbols and signs that are used in the mathematical world.
  • Create shapes, etc. to express geometric concepts.
Foreign Language/ESL
  • Create a picture dictionary (English/Spanish, etc.).
  • Design a printable activity boo