Student Illness-Clinic Tips

Clinic Tips For Parents

1. A student is sent home if their temperature is 100.0 or higher
2. A student MUST BE FEVER FREE ( w/o aspirin or Tylenol) FOR 24 HOURS before returning to     
3. A student with live lice will be sent home. They need to bring PROOF of treatment TO THE CLINIC
    before they are allowed back in class.
4. A student with lice nits (eggs) is allowed to remain in class. They will need to bring PROOF of
    treatment TO THE CLINIC the following school day before they are allowed back in class.
5. A student with conjunctivitis (pink eye) may return to class when the eye is no longer red,       
    prescription medication has been started, or they have a Dr. Note stating the student is not 
6. A student with ringworm can remain in class as long as the lesions are covered.
7. A student with Strep Throat may return to school after they have been on antibiotics for at least 24
    hours and they are fever free.

All medication needs to be kept in the clinic; It MUST BE in the original container and MUST BE age appropriate. The prescription label must include the student's name, Dr's name, prescription date, name of the medication, and directions for administration.